Which I think would be an amazing (or should I say awesome) gift. I love giving and receiving books as gifts, someone I know may be getting this one. The site is always upbeat and fun to visit, never depressing and it makes you remember little things we love that sometimes we may fail to see when we are in head down just trying to get through our busy week mode. Inspired by the site I thought it would be fun to put up a post a couple times a week with awesome things that are currently going on in my week. Enjoy! And please if you are so inclined post what awesome things you encounter in the comments.
Monday April 26th, 2010
Cold Pizza for Breakfast.
So good. This has been a favorite of mine ever since childhood. I actually think I like it better cold for breakfast then I do having it the night before for dinner. And something feels really indulgent about having pizza in the morning, a day can't start out bad when that’s your breakfast, even if its not considered the breakfast of champions. My pizza has changed since my early days of eating cold pizza. So long canadian bacon and pineapple, hello soy cheese and as many veggies as the pie will allow for. Pineapple has still managed to hang in there; I say it’s not a pizza without it. Hope your breakfast makes your own awesome list.
Sunday April 25th, 2010
New Clean Sheets
Nothing is better then crawling into bed with new clean sheets. Whether you fall into bed late after having a perfect day or you go to bed early because you just need the day to be over new clean sheets somehow make it better. The smell and feel is amazing, scents are inspired by it, nothing beats it.
The boyfriend and I picked some new sheets up last night and we went organic. I have been getting a lot of information of the benefits of going organic with you bedding and wanted to make that choice for myself. After all if your skin is your biggest organ do you really want your pores soaking in pesticides and the such while you sleep? Nope! We found a really great (and affordable) set at target. Who doesn't love Target? We went with these in white, but if white isn't your thing they are also available in many other pretty colors and prints. Check them out next time you find yourself in Target.
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