Last night's dinner was a veggie (broccoli and yellow sqaush) and tofu curry with brown rice and spring rolls. I was happy to find both my made ahead items to be all natural and cheap - both items came in under $3 each, major score!
I was lazy and took the pictures with my phone, so sorry the quality isn't that great.

The spring rolls were these;
Which were much healthier then the ones you would order with your take out. Five good sized rolls come in the box and two whole rolls only pack 190 calories, not too bad. Plus they aren't fried, I baked them in the oven and they some how came out just as crispy. We ate all five and the boyfriend was still wanting more.
I took some help with the curry using this;
Only in the curry flavor, not teriyaki. It made for a very quick and easy dinner. And because I added fresh veggies and organic brown rice it felt much healthier.

And the red blob on the plate? Sriracha of course! My favorite to add spice to any asian inspired dish. If you don't own a bottle, you should.

looks so yummy... still bitter that I missed it