Ok, well not just yet. But I will be, I’m going to Maui!!! I’m so excited. It was a last minute decision when the boyfriend and I saw the flights went down to an insanely good price. We can hardly wait, everyday we exchange the number of days left or send each other a link of the weather forecast (Maui is currently averaging about 80 degrees everyday by the way). It is all we can talk about. Having planed this last minute is nice in the fact that we don’t have to wait very long to actually go, but on the down side it has given me very little time to feel ready to put on a swimming suit. Here at home I still have a good couple months before even thinking about swim suit season. So I have been doing my best the last two weeks and have one more week to keep it going. I have been able to shed 3-4 pounds and would like to lose 5 more before going. Only having 8 days left I don’t think 5 pounds is realistic or healthy, so I am just doing my best in the time I have. I really don’t have a ton of weight to lose (which seem to make those pounds even harder to get off), in my perfect world I would like to be down about 15 maybe 20 pounds. I’m not sure what 20 pounds down would look like for me so that may be an unrealistic number. That would put me at a lower weight then I can remember ever being at. I hate putting a weight goal in my head, and I don’t think that is what anyone should do. With a set number in mind I always feel disappointed when I do step on the scale and that number doesn’t come up, even if I lost a pound or two I’m still not satisfied. My focus has been just eating the best I can and getting to the gym. I am doing very well in my eating, and could be doing better at the gym. I have been watching my calorie in take and taking in much less which I think is what is really getting that needle on the scale to continue moving down. I have in no way been starving myself, I have been eating very well, stopping after dinner and just really paying attention to what I am eating and when I am eating. I am a big BIG snacker; I think I just love to eat. I could eat all day long if I knew I wouldn’t balloon up. I also gain weight very easily. I am not one of those girls with “good genes” or the ones that claim they can eat whatever they like and not gain an ounce. I could punch them in the face some days. Really….I could, I mean I most likely wouldn’t but I would really want to. I hope some of you reading can relate. Being a snacker I feel much less restricted eating small meals (or snacks) several times a day. When I am not snacking I am drinking water or hot tea. Having these multiple mini meals makes me feel that I can eat all day, allows me to never get too hungry which is when I make bad food choices and allows me to have a variety of things which seems to help my cravings. There are a few things that I am not allowing myself for the time being:
Diet Soda
Too many breads, muffins or other heavy starches
Candy/baked goods- mostly because I found for me it triggers more cravings
Eating out
What has really been helping me:
This bread, I can’t cut out carbs and I don’t want to. It is made with whole wheat, is high in fiber and taste good. Its obviously not one of those chewy/crusty artisan breads but I can’t taste a difference between this and other sandwich bread. Most sandwich bread is about 90-120 calories a slice, this bread is only 40! My store carries a few light whole grain breads with 35-45 calories a slice, Sarah Lee, Franz and Quaker all have a version. I just buy whichever one is on sale or has the lower price.
Breakfast. Eating something when I wake up has really helped. Sometimes it’s just something light like fruit, which allows for more eating later. Other mornings are something more substantial like a big bowl of oatmeal or toast with peanut butter. If I have heavy carbs in the morning I try to lessen the amount I take in later in the day.
Coffee- Every morning I have coffee after I eat breakfast, and I love my coffee. I have cut out grabbing a latte so having coffee at home saves me money and calories. I also use this creamer, which I think helps cut my sweet tooth. Plus we all know caffeine is an appetite suppressant.
This pasta, all I can say is you HAVE to try it. I believe it’s a miracle. Per serving (which is a good size- ½ the package) 3 carbs, 20 calories, no sugar and gluten free. Enough said.
And finally frozen bananas, is you love dessert meet your new best friend. I slice ripe bananas, I think they are perfect when they have a few brown specs on them, place them in a single layer to freeze (this prevents them from sticking together), and then once frozen keep them in the freezer in a plastic container. When I want something I know I shouldn't have this always cuts the craving. Once frozen you can snack on them as is, or throw in your food processor to get a result you will think is soft serve ice cream. And you can add anything you want to them. My recent favorite is frozen slices, some chopped nuts, sugar free dark chocolate sauce and a sprinkle of sea salt. Total calorie count under 100, but taste like 500. Amazing, again just try it. Also even if you don’t like your bananas ripe, freezing them at that point is best. It gives them a very creamy texture that you won’t get if your bananas still have some green on them.
Also if you have some time and don't already know about the Hungry Girl website go check it out or buy the cook book. Hungry Girl is amazing, she makes all these recipes for food you actually crave in really low fat-low calorie versions that still taste really good. Think onion rings, mac and cheese, cupcakes and more. Few are vegan so I haven't been able to try very many, so for you omnivores it might be love.
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