The funny thing is I was just thinking how it is has been a really long time since I have been sick. I use to always catch every bug I came in contact with, but in the last few years I haven't really had a single cold or flu I can remember. Not that it has been all good, I have in the last year suffered from my first bout of food poisoning and quite a few hang overs that were my own doing of course and then a few episodes with the seasonal allergies. But not a single virus. I really think it is the simple fact that I am just taking better care of myself. I get really down sometimes on myself that I could be doing better, working out more, eating healthier, getting in more organic fruits and veggies. I think that’s just humane, we always think we can be doing better in some aspect of our life. Maybe its not always health related, maybe its spend more time with family, be kinder, more organized, finish the to do list, keep up on the house duties or spend smarter. How often do we look at what we are doing and think to our self that we have made some vast improvements? It just came to me this morning that I rarely do that. So today, while sick I am thinking of all the things I have done that are a step in the right direction. Starting with working out, I think I dwell on this most, but just a few years ago I didn’t even belong to a gym much less think of joining one. In the big picture; not the this week, this month picture, I have been doing pretty well. I have gone pretty regularly in the grand scheme of things, tried new things- yoga, pilates, kick boxing, weight classes and even completed a Bikram yoga challenge. I have also transitioned into eating an all vegan diet a few years ago and incorporated some raw foods in as well. Green smoothie anyone? Eating vegan is a big reason why I think my health has been on such a better track. I don’t want this to turn into a preachy Go Vegan! entry but I really encourage everyone to try to incorporate more fresh living foods into your life. Live with less prepackaged and processed foods, and add in more veggie meals and less animals and dairy. Just a thought. I won’t know if you actually do it or not, so no pressure. And lastly I have been really smart with my money, much smarter then when I was still in school. I have been not working for a while now but thanks to a good plan and sticking with it I am feeling really good, and even got in a couple vacations. While I do need to get a job, mostly out of boredom I am so thankful I am in the position I am where many jobless people are not. Well, look at me! That’s a not so bad, I hope you are all looking at what you have done and I hope you feel really proud of whatever it is. Its not always easy but the more we make it a part of our daily life the more it seems to be less of a choice and more of a lifestyle.
While I have been sick I have discovered a new friend anyone suffering with a cold needs. This stuff is AMAZING! It really helps and I have been drinking it like crazy.

This has also help me pass the time while curled up on the couch.
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